We bought a house! I mean, in the legal sense, of course, we haven't bought it yet. But we do have a contract and everything. It's in Louisville. And it's pretty sweet. Well, actually, it needs a little work, but we're up for it. Here's a picture of the soon-to-be abode:

Isn't she cute?! We're probably going to close April 15th since we still have to reside in Bloominghell until graduation in May. We'll have some time to clean and paint before we move, which will be nice.
Of course, we'll have to keep everyone updated on the changes we make. Some before and after photos, perhaps. I'm sure everyone will be waiting with bated breath. Bated? Baited? Hmm, who can tell?
Anyway, that's the big news. In other news, I'm watching Super Nanny all by myself on a Friday night because Evan is at the opera. Yep, opera. Ok, ok, it's for class. Me watching Super Nanny on a Friday in my pajamas, however...not academically required. Thus, lamer. Sigh.