I also cleaned the apartment. AND I made a craft. It's a little wooden plaque that we can hang above our bed once married with our initials on it, and, I'm sorry, it's the greatest craft ever made. Apparently the glue I used to stick on the wooden H,S, and E was mildly toxic, however, because Evan and I both developed headaches last night. Oh, and it may cause reproductive harm. But that's not the point because the real story is I made a fabulous craft, like Martha Stewart. I rule.
And the biggest story of all is that LJ went on a walk. No, you didn't misread, that's just how boring our last few days have been. Anyway, we put on his awesome little snow jacket and headed out because he was being a real shit. Well, we found out that LJ loves the snow! He kept rubbing his face in it and frolicking. He had snowflakes all over his little nose. What a guy. Here are some pictures of our pride and joy

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