Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Final Countdown(s)

Today, there were snow showers and the high was like 38 or something. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, I think I'll document some countdowns to better days ahead. Here goes.

Days until we close on our house, which means the current owners, their 7 cats, and the giant clay head in the master bedroom will be GONE: 5

Days until we graduate, which means I never have to hear a douchey law student conversation again...unfortunately, these conversations will likely be replaced by douchey actual lawyer conversations, but I think they'll be less frequent than what I endure here: 27

Days until we move, leaving Gloomington (Evan thought this one up the other day...he's my little comedian) and its never-ending wind behind forever: 28 (and if we could find time to graduate and move in the same day, we would do it)

Days until our WEDDING, on which I will become Mrs. Evan Hilbert, embracing marriage and its sexist undertones with open arms: 62 (unless I counted wrong which is highly likely because I have really embarassing math anxiety)

Now, if only either of us would find a job...things would be perfect!


Beside the point said...

You know, I heard DC's the only place with any jobs left. So, ya know. Just sayin'.

Stephanie said...

Yeah b/c of all of those politicians like OBAMA Bin Laden taking our money and turning us into SOCIALISTS and GAYS! AMERICA!

Bick Rozich said...

Evan's been gay WAYYYYY before Obama got elected.