Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh, Hello There

Hi. Though it says Gene Parmesan, I can assure you that I am the Evan gentleman Stephanie speaks of. I have an alias because of my other blog, the one where I cuss and call people bad things. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to write under different names, so you'll have to deal with the fake name I use to slander people. I don't think that's what this blog is all about.

As far as I can tell, this blog is about...L.J.? Or, love...maybe? I'm not really sure, but if the discourse veers too violently away from me, I'm just going to snap.

I guess we'll talk a lot about how bad I smell, because that's pretty much all Steph talks about. Oh, or how I leave stuff laying around everywhere and suck at doing the dishes. Maybe we'll have posts outlining how I never clean, and how mad Steph gets when I drink milk directly from the carton. If there's time, a lengthy discussion will ensue explaining the rigors associated with reading "cases," because if some dolt (yours truly) ever tries to speak when this is occurring, he is soundly beaten (mentally, of course).


Beside the point said...

Real people actually drink straight from the milk carton? I thought that was something that only happened in movies about stereotypical slovenly men...

Stephanie said...

Haha, such is my life, Laurel.